Can America be America At All?

The "Can America be America At All?" booklet provides a backdrop to explore two poems:
"Let America Be America Again" (written by Langston Hughes in 1935 and published in 1936) and "Can America Be America At All?" (written by Peter Damian Bellis in July 2020). Bellis' poem pays homage to Hughes, but it is also a reflection on the meaning and implications of Hughes' poem in light of the wave of protests across the nation demanding not only justice for George Floyd, but justice for all who have suffered and for all who have died because of racism, protests that seem to cut across racial boundaries and are calling for an end to racism period, and a final end to the suffering and pain caused by inequality of any kind.

The booklet is FREE for you to disseminate in any way you wish to your students or to those in your organization (that means electronically, by photocopying, by printing, etc.) so long as you are using it for educational purposes (and here educational purposes is broadly construed to encourage you to share and discuss).

There are also nine short videos that accompany the booklet through the AR Launchpad platform. These videos enhance the reading experience by helping to put the two poems, the history of the Civil Rights movement, and contemporary events into both historical perspective and social context. To see the augmented experience, download the free booklet below and scan around the images in the gallery.

To download the FREE booklet "Can America Be America At All?" at River Boat Publishing click here.

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